I have decided that the term pro life is about as helpful as being pro-goodness. I am pro goodness. I think evil is wrong. Hooray for me, taking such a courageous stand. It seems to me that the term
prolife means pro the life of the unborn. This seems a little short sided to me. Could I be pro second amendment if i said that every person has the right to own a musket. We are all
gauranteed by the constitution one musket. Have all the other gun laws you want. but as long as a person is allowed a musket, just like the colonial militias had, then i am happy and believe that our right to bear arms has been protected. I feel like the NRA would not accept that. In fact they might shoot me.
This is my problem with
prolife. They only seem to care about life until it breathes. Then once the baby breathes its on its own. Now i think abortion is bad. Its a tragic medical procedure and should be treated as such. I don't know that i can say that it should always be
illeagal no matter what the circumstance is. I do know that it is a cruel form of birth control. But i also know that life extends beyond birth. I am 27 years of proof that life continues after conception and birth. I think most of
americans want the number of abortions reduced. But i think we could do more by loving young mothers who face difficult times than by passing some law. Jesus cursed the pharisees for putting harsh laws on people then not raising a finger to help with the burden. Too often pro life arguments are only about laws which force women to
brth their babies, but what percentage of pro life voters adopt, or foster children. What percentage of parents accept their daughters who get pregnant and don't cast them out as "sluts". I figure those percentages are low and thus abortions are high. Abortion is not a political issue, its an ethical issue. It is not the mothers choice, it is the community's choice to accept all children and commit to raising each one of them. You seem am not sure that voting for a "
Prolife Canidate" could stop abortion. Bush had six years with a friendly congress and could not make any headway. But even beyond that point; life is more than just the issue of abortion. The problem of
abrtion needs to fought on the demand side, not the supply side.
PRO LIFE should mean caring about things like war, poverty,
health care, the death penalty, etc. So yes, life begins at "conception" I guess but I KNOW that it extends beyond 9 months.
Why do i feel like there are many pro lifers who support the death penalty. If
that's not crazy I am not sure what is Pro-life and supports DEATH penalty? To be pro-life and not Pro ALL life is problematic. To ignore the AIDS Pandemic is what Pro-Choice. I choose to let them die. To not give everyone access to
health care is tho be Pro-Choice, I choose my lower taxes over your heart condition. I call them pro choice because that is the opposite of Pro Life right?
Well anyways, I am trying to figure out how to be pro life. That means of children fetuses mothers prisoners immigrants,
Asians, Africans,
Europeans, North and South
Americans, Africans. In the mean time refuse to let the "Pro Life' movement tell me what that means. I will turn to God, breathed life into all of us. For i believe that means God defines pro-life.