Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Dog Days August

I must say, it is nice to have a pay check. I am not the kind of guy who worries about money. Or balances a checkbook. or keeps receipts. or pays taxes.....j/k. Anyways I got paid at the end of April from Edenton Street. I then got paid here at Wesley on the 30th of July. That's about 90 days w/o income. Luckily Jodie got paid in June so we didn't starve. But over the summer we lived on Daily Bread. It makes me kinda glad i didn't go buy myself a Wii for my birthday. Now however I have to really start putting a dent into those student loans. Which shouldn't be too hard since we are DINKS (Dual Income, No Kids). I suppose we are officially settling in. Jodie has been working for 2 months, and i for 1. We have a dog. I am using her to gauge when to mow the mountain of lawn we have. When Daisy starts to dispear, in the grass I decide its time to mow.

Last Sunday we had Messy Day. IT consisted of water-balloons, egg tossing, Shaving creme fighting, Pies to the face, and finally a slime slide. It was fun. If you don't mind being covered in the fore mentioned items. The kids had fun. I did too. I will post some pictures shortly so everyone can see. It really is something you most see to really understand.

I preach this week. If I can I will try to get at least an audio recording. If that can't happen i will just get a written copy, and maybe post it here.


  1. Hey since you two are in the dog adoption, I have a cute puppy here in Texas with your name on it!! Please call for details and delivery information!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
